Ohh ahhhh... I've died and gone to heaven! I stumbled across this brass chains and findings shop in a little street in Paris after all these months and months of searching. As you know France isn't all that caught up in having a business related website, especially when it's has been passed down from generations and hadn't obviously suffered much for the need to promote or get with the times. Word of mouth is still very much the way one finds the way.
Here are some pictures of the inside store with it's original fit-outs, except the computer stands out like a sore thumb! Don't you just love the original cashier booth with the mesh bar still standing. Unfortunately, I didn't get to snap a pic of the resident black and white cat, who looks very well fed and very much at ease with strangers. Though I'm still little hesitant.... especially about it's crazy eyes!!
Here are some of my new NON-sterling silver pieces made from the store HERE!